Sunday, March 17, 2013

McCrillis House

Sherry and I drove to Arlington, Virginia for Christmas this year.  We went via Chattanooga and picked up my aunt Josie, so she could celebrate with us.  Trip routing via St. Louis MO,  Paducah KY, Chattanooga TN, Bristol VA.   1400 miles and 3 days of driving.   We ate a lot of McDonald hamburgers and french fries!

Josie has not been to McCrillis House, since the construction  period 2005 (late summer).  At that time the roof was being still installed, and the living room and bedrooms had only been framed out.

This year the Pennsylvania Sibolds (brother Stu, Donna, Rachel, Xavier, Sara Ann, and Tim) joined us from Holidaysburg.  The Torlas from Falls Church (sister Ann, Toby, Daisy, Margaret) also joined the celebration and provided the dessert (charlotte russe).   We all enjoyed a new board game 'Wits and Wagers'.

We gave out gag gifts of headlamps to a few people that we thought needed them.

My sister Kitty put up Josie, Sherry, and myself at her Alexandria townhouse.  

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